

In the world of Totems, all living things radiate an energy called mana.  This energy is undetectable and intangible to the average person or creature, but specialized individuals may learn to identify and make use of it. 

Druids practice the disciplines of detecting and channeling mana.  They are also stewards of their land, tasked with environmental control, disease management, animal husbandry, and more.

While druids can detect mana and perform many tasks unaided, they will rarely be found without their prized tool and weapon, the totem.

Totems are magic staffs that can collect and utilize mana.  Each totem is a unique product of the druid that made it, and a result of several laborious rituals. 

In order to use their totems, druids will need to enter a meditative state.  This can be done to enhance their senses beyond their normal range, and to unleash mana in forms of elemental magic.

During combat, this meditative state will force the druid to remain stationary.  As a result, they will have to rely on their spirit animals for mobility and protection.

Druids can use mana to erupt powerful element totems from the ground.  These totems are large, made of stone, and may look like obelisks with patterns and runes on them, or they might have animal or human faces on it.  Based on their element, they will attack nearby threats with stones, barbs, lighting, wind, fire, ice and more.

Under mysterious circumstances, mana will manifest itself in the form of a spirit animal.  Similar to druids, they can also detect and use mana.

These spirits will inhabit the planet to some unknown end.  Some spirits may guard locations, or they may join druids to fulfill a mission.  However, it is possible for spirits to become corrupted, or sent into an uncontrollable rage.

Earth spirits have the enhanced ability to consume the materials in their environment and use them to reinforce their bodies.  As a result, they will resemble the environment that they come from, and they will be larger and stronger then their spirit counterparts.

Their size and weight requires immense strength to move, which they will use to dominate their opponents.  

Storm spirits are incredibly fast and agile.  They have smaller and sleeker frames than their counterparts, and they typically have rubber-like skin that may be hidden beneath fur or feathers.  These spirits can also absorb electricity from the moisture in the air, which will give them a constant source of energy along with a potent electrical charge.

As a result of their relatively small size and strength, they have to rely on their speed and agility to outmaneuver foes.  They can also use their electrical charge to harm or stun opponents when they come into contact.

Thermal spirits have the incredible ability to regulate their internal temperature to extreme degrees.  This will allow them to live in frigid and volcanic environments.  They also have special glands that can shoot a liquid capable of being frozen or ignited depending on their body temperature.  

Their mana attacks are potent, but they are mostly capable of short bursts of energy.  If they overexert themselves, or if their material form is destroyed, then it may be possible for them to erupt in a flurry of fire or ice.

There are many threats and hazards in the world of Totems.  The environments are wild, filled with dangerous creatures and subject to harsh weather.  There are also warring tribes and exploitative brigands.  However, the biggest threats can wield mana.

While most druids are caretakers and protectors, some can become motivated to be selfish or harmful.  This may be a result of vengeance, a drive for power, or outside influences corrupting them.  When a druid become corrupt, their spirit animals will often follow, but it is possible for spirits to become corrupt in the wild as well.

Similar to druids, spirit animals will task themselves with the protection of a brood or environment.  If they feel that they, or those under their protection, have become threatened, then they can act with force to resolve the issue.  However, they may lose focus of where the threat begins and ends, and they may go on a destructive rampage.  Additionally, consistent exposure to the evils of people may influence them as well.  With enough time, the form of corrupted spirits will mutate to better suit their destructive needs and desires.


Totems can be played as a board game and a card game.  Use the link below to download the complete guide.


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